Whitchurch Hockey club retains Clubmark accreditation

Congratulations Whitchurch (Shropshire) HC on achieving England Hockey Clubmark accreditation.

It is my great pleasure to inform you that you are one of a select number of hockey clubs across England to achieve England Hockey Clubmark accreditation.

Achieving England Hockey Clubmark is an important step in ensuring your club operates to a set of core criteria and has good practices in place to ensure that you can deliver quality hockey in a sustainable and vibrant club environment.

Club Mark – certificate 2018-2021

01/09/18 – HockeyFest

On Saturday 1st September 2018 we held HockeyFest at Whitchurch Hockey Club.

We held what has become our annual start of the season intra-club tournament which was well attended and got the club fired up for a busy September.

Senior training continues to run Wednesday night 19.30 to 21.00.

Saturday 8th September sees the hockey start:

  • Academy for 6 to 13 years starts from 10.00 to 11.30.
  • BacktoHockey starts from 10.00 to 11.30. The sessions are for those who have never played hockey or want to get back into the sport after time out. Sticks can be provided but you will need to bring shin pads.
  • The ladies 1s play their 1st league game of the season starting at 12.00 at home.

Check out the website for further details about the club at www.whitchurchhockeyclub.com or contact secretary@whitchurchhockeyclub.com

Shropshire Hockey Academy Centre programme for 2018-19

The Development Centres in June/July saw about 120 players attending across 6 centres in the county. Many of these players were new to Development Centres. The provisional Academy Centre programme is attached and also has details of how new players should register.

  • U17 is for those born in 02; U16 is for those born in 03; U15 is for those born in 04
  • U14 is for those born in 05; U13 is for those born in 06, 07, 08

So in summary,

  • U13 girls will have a 3 week coaching and assessment programme at Meole Brace from 6 to 8 pm starting on Thurs 13 September. Cost £42 for 3 weeks or £30 for those who attended the summer DC. Pay on first session.
  • For all ages of boys – Pre-Season AC coaching Sun 16th September at Shrewsbury School. Cost £5 pay on day.
  • 10am to 12.00  for U13 and U14s;   12 to 2.00pm for U15 U16 U17
  • For all ages of girls (except U13) – Pre-Season AC coaching Sun 16th September at Meole Brace. Cost £5 pay on day.
  • 11.30 to 1.15 for U15 U16 U17;    1.15 to 3.00pm for U14
  • Sun 7th October AC assessment and coaching for all age groups of boys and U15 U16 U17 girls. Cost will be reflected in AC Season fees.
  • Thurs 3rd October U14 girls assessment and coaching at Meole Brace from 6 to 8 pm Cost will be reflected in AC Season fees.

All new players who have not registered with England hockey before must register with Shropshire on the England Hockey Player Pathway System (PPS) by clicking the link below


Please Select Shropshire Development Centre Summer 18 Boys / Girls, from there we will then be able to allocate you to the correct squad for the 18/19 season.

This system is fully GDPR compliant and will give us all the necessary parental consents and emergency contact numbers which will be securely held. It will also inform us of who and how many players are going to be attending.

Thank you all.

If you have any queries please contact me, julesoneill@btinternet.com 07941 444037 or

John Beckett ( Boys ) John.Beckett96@outlook.com 07814 518615

Shropshire Hockey Academy Centre programme for 2018-19

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