On the back of a successful Commonwealth games with our ladies winning gold and men winning bronze Whitchurch hockey club is preparing for a busy 2022-23 season
Pre-season training will commence Wednesday 17th and 24th August open to all players from 18.30 to 20.00.
We then return to normal senior training with:
- Squad Training starting Tuesday August 30th 18.30 to 20.00
- Club/Junior Training starting Wednesday August 31st 18.30 to 20.00
Please signup on Teamapp a day or so in advance so we have an idea of numbers.
Club Day & Social
Club day on Saturday September 10th 2022 meeting at 12.30 at the pitch for setup and registration followed by the mixed tournament to get us holding sticks again. Open to anyone over 13 years.
After the tournament we plan to have a social with some food to catchup on everyones events of the summer. More details to follow but it would be great to see as many there as possible for either the tournament, social or just to come along and support.
Please signup on Teamapp in advance so we have an idea of numbers.

Starting Wednesday September 7th 2022 alongside the Club training from 18.30 to 20.00.
Six weeks aimed at teaching the basics of hockey enabling those who have never played or who have been inspired by the Commonwealth games to return to the sport to get back involved.
The cost is £18 for the 6 weeks and a great way to get involved and meet new people and join the hockey family.
Please signup at the below link in advance
Back2hockey 2022 registration
Academy sessions will commence on Saturday September 10th 2022 10.00 to 11.30.
Players need to be signed up to Teamapp in advance (if not already) and the 6 week block paid in advance of attending via ‘Store’ in Teamapp.
If new to the club please see the Welcome packs at the below link that explains all the information required as a new member of the club.
Joining our club