I find myself coming to role in 23-24 after Alex’s strong tender. I’d like to thank him for all his work and support for the club, his commitment through coaching both the Adult and Junior sections as well as chairman cannot have been a small commitment. Alex remains on the committee as Secretary and will continue to coach the squads as we move in to the 23/24 season.
I’ve been around Whitchurch Hockey Club for 8 years now since moving to the area and have always been made feel welcome. It’s a place I consider myself at home and I hope that’s the same for all our members.
I started playing hockey aged 16 in my hometown of Sheffield. When I went to Uni I played at Manchester Met. Following uni I moved to Sandbach and played for the next 4 years at Deeside Ramblers hockey club before taking up rugby and playing/captaining Sandbach 2nd XV for many years, whilst also teaching PE at Brine Leas in Nantwich.
After 8 years of teaching, I took a new opportunity and moved into the IT sector taking a role in London but with 3 children still in Aston sport took a back seat for some time as I commuted to and from on practically a weekly basis.
After doing this for 5 years I’d had enough of the big smoke and moved to Whitchurch with my now wife and children to try and live life a little more. This is when my journey with WHC began. I’ve played in both men’s teams depending on my ability to commit time over the years. I now have 5 children ranging from 16 to 4, time can be of a premium but last season I was finally able to find a good balance and committed to 90% of the season with the 1st team. Something I hope to be able to repeat this year (if of course required)!
I joined the committee early last year taking on the vacant secretary role and have enjoyed being able to steer some of the fine work this club does. I’m looking forward to doing more over this year, with the Ladies 1’s promotion last season there are challenging on pitch times ahead as some players move on to Uni and new opportunities, we hope the solid ladies’ section can step up and show strength in depth.
The Men’s sides remain relatively unchanged (a few of the boys moving off to Uni) however, with the return of a few of the old faces to the club and we will look to drive us forwards.
The Academy goes from strength to strength and the support of the likes of Barbora, Billy, John, Pete and Lisa are having a real impact on the future for our club. Thank you to all those who provide on and off pitch support to make these opportunities for the children.
Off the pitch I still work in the IT sector as a Senior International Service Manager and spend much of my time at my office in Belgium and on site with my sites/whitchurch-hockey-club/wp-contenters there. Thankfully I am well supported at home, and I enjoy the travel but coming home is always the best bit.
Outside of the hockey and 5 children there’s not much time for anything else but I enjoy cooking and like to travel with my wife when I can and sport in almost any capacity always plays an important part in my life.