Firstly a big thanks to Anna Latham who has taken on the role of COVID officer for the club.
If you have any questions or suggestions we have setup a club email
We at Whitchurch are looking to commence training on Wednesday 26th August. However, training, as well as games, must take place under strict rules, as laid out by England Hockey and the government. With that in mind, anybody who wishes to participate in training (and matches) will need to do the following :-
Mandatory requirements for players before training / games
- Check your contact details on TeamApp are up to date and make sure you ‘save’ them even if you don’t change anything. This a requirement of returning to play by England Hockey and the Government for the ‘Track and Trace’ system
You will not be permitted to train or play without completing both and the COVID officer confirming! Please be aware that it takes up to 48 hours for your details to become visible to us on the England Hockey portal, so please complete both in plenty of time.
We would also like to get an idea of numbers interested in playing and training so we have sent out a link on Teamapp with the below questions:
1. Can you please confirm whether you are willing to return to training at the current time? Please chose Yes / No / Maybe in the dropdown box.
If you answer maybe, we would welcome your feedback in either the comments on TeamApp, or if you wish to keep the comments private, please email .
2. Can you please confirm whether you are willing to return to matches at the current time? Please chose Yes / No / Maybe in the dropdown box.
If you answer maybe, we would welcome your feedback in either the comments on TeamApp, or if you wish to keep the comments private, please email .
Your responses will only be used as an expression of interest, so we can gauge numbers for training sessions and whether we have the numbers to field all our teams. Your response is not binding … you can change your mind at any time.
Find attached the latest information for Players from England Hockey – Advice for participants. Please read and familiarise yourself with the requirements.
We will provide further information about how training will proceed once we have an idea of numbers willing to attend.
Obviously, we appreciate that are many different views and opinions regarding the Covid situation – even within the club committee. We respect that some players will not wish to participate in team sports at this stage, whilst others may be prepared to return subject to the organisation to minimise risk, and there will be other members just desperate to get back on the hockey pitch. Please feel free to respond as you see fit, or comment as you feel appropriate. We request that all members respect each other’s opinions on participation. Nobody is right and nobody is wrong!
Also, please bear with us (the committee) whilst we work our way through the requirements to restart activities on the pitch. There is a lot to do and a lot to consider.
Many Thanks
The Committee