Category Archives: Committee News

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Whitchurch Hockey Club – AGM & Presentation evening – Saturday April 18th 2015 @ 19.00

Dear Members of Whitchurch Hockey Club,

Please join us on Saturday 18th April from 7pm at the Rugby & Hockey Club for our AGM, & Senior Presentation Evening.  There will be some nibbles on arrival and for those who fancy carrying on we are suggesting a pub crawl in town (could include a meal if preferred – please let us know your preference by emailing – hope you will join us!

The formal stuff:

This is formal notification of the Whitchurch Hockey Club AGM which will take place on Saturday April 18th 2015 commencing @19.00 at the Whitchurch Rugby & Hockey club, Edgeley Park.

Please review all the AGM documentation on the website at

We propose to keep the meeting as short as possible with a round-up of the year’s events and election of officers, if you have any topics you want to raise please do so by email in advance to the Club Secretary – email below. 


We need more people to help out:

Without your help the club cannot function so please take on a role or split it with another member or friend as the more helpers we have the easier it makes the task for all.

Types of roles – Committee roles eg. Secretary, Treasurer, Chair & Vice Chair, wider club roles – Umpiring co-ordinator, Fixtures Co-ordinator, Sponsorship, Club Development, Social, Captains & Vice Captains, Membership & kit co-ordinator, Junior/Senior Development, Volunteer Co-ordinator…

There is a dedicated group of people who will support and help you within any role you take on. If you wish to take on a role within the club please fill in a nomination form (on the website) and return to: by Friday April 3rd 2015.

Agenda – 45 mins

1) Chairman’s address – 5 mins

2) Finance report – 5 mins

3) Captains’ report – 1st team men (3 mins)/ Fathom (3) / 1st team ladies (3) / 2nd team ladies (3)

4) Academy report (3mins)

5) Election of officers (10 mins)

6) Any other business. (tbc – allow 5-10 mins)

Thanks for all your support,

Whitchurch Hockey Club Committee 2014-15

AGM documentation

In preparation for the upcoming AGM find attached some reference documents to give you all an idea of the club structure and the roles and positions available.

If you are interested in taking on any of the positions, please fill in the nomination form and return to

Its very important that we get fresh people involved in the running of the club so we can progress going forward.

What is an AGM

Nomination form




England Hockey Policy_on_Safeguarding_and_Protecting_Young_People_in_Hockey

England Hockey Equality_Policy_May_13_-_Final