Category Archives: Committee News

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Whitchurch Hockey retains Clubmark accreditation

Congratulations Whitchurch (Shropshire) HC on retaining England Hockey Clubmark accreditation.

It is my great pleasure to inform you that you are one of a select number of hockey clubs across England to achieve England Hockey Clubmark accreditation.

Achieving England Hockey Clubmark is an important step in ensuring your club operates to a set of core criteria and has good practices in place to ensure that you can deliver quality hockey in a sustainable and vibrant club environment.

Path to Paris – Club Challenge

To celebrate the Paris Olympic and Paralympic Games in 2024, we are inviting you to get active and embark on a virtual journey with Path to Paris, Team GB and ParalympicsGB’s free programme for children, families and club.

Register any activities that you do to help the club progress whether it be activities at school, playing sport or even walking the dog.

Use the below link to register activities

Your Unique Pin is 2100

Match reports 24-02-24

Whitchurch ladies 3’s 0 Sandbach ladies 2’s 6

Whitchurch 3’s were expecting a hard match with top of our league sandbach 2’s.

The first half Whitchurch were able to keep Sandbach at bay with pretty even possession, with Isla
Gregory getting a good shot on goal.

0-0 at half time, Whitchurch were optimistic but also not complacent at the half time team talk. Whitchurch were right not to be as Sandbach came back even more determined and feisty, scoring a whopping 6 goals in the second half. This determination meant keeper Alice Snaith was kept very busy but her impressive save in the last few minutes, almost doing the splits, showed the commitment and resilience that all the 3’s show every week.

Whitchurch Men’s 2s 2 Macclesfield Men’s 3s 3

After the heavy loss earlier in the season Whitchurch didnt know what to expect from the travelling Macclesfield team.

A highly competitive game followed as Whitchurch again continued to improve but still lacked the clinical finishing in front of goal. Will Edwards again provided the much needed goals for the Whitchurch team with a run and shot in the first half and a neat deflection from a penalty corner in the second.

Whitchurch travel to Winnington Park next week to get points looking to build on their continued improvements.

Match Reports – 09-12-23

Whitchurch ladies 3’s 0 Runcorn ladies development 3

The match was a very evenly played game with free runs made by both sides but no goals scored from these. Runcorn scored 2 goals from short corners just flicking the ball into the back of the goal. The third came from a long corner and that crept past the goalie. There were lots of runs made but Runcorn’s defence kept our girls away from the goal. With only 11 players all were very tired by the end but continued to grow as a team. Some fancy footwork was shown from our player of the match Jan Teggin with a brilliant run down the wing. Some very accurate passes and skills were exhibited.

Whitchurch Ladies 2s 4 Wilmslow ladies 4s 2

Whitchurch had first pushback and started with some good passing across the middle  between Rachel Chesters , Bella Morris and Maisie Bennet. The ball was pushed up towards the forwards with a shot on goal by Heidi Groom, unfortunately missing the post.

Wilmslow made a quick recovery and pushed up into Whitchurch’s dee with some good defence by Hermonie Ball and Catherine Reece-Gresty. Wilmslow managed to score a goal. This made Whitchurch more determined so the play was pushed up towards the opposition dee with lots of pressure on by Lexi Morgan and Nipper leading to the second goal scored by Rachel Chesters. However Wilmslow made some shots on goal with some good saves by Phoebe Gregory, but they managed to get a goal off a short corner. This was the end of the second half.

After a motivational team talk by Emma Stubbs, the second half commenced. Nipper made some nice runs up the middle passing with Bella Morris. Whitchurch had a few shots on goal but were saved by the keeper. This led to a short corner for Whitchurch. This allowed for the goal to be scored by Nipper. Whitchurch remained a strong structure with good communication across the pitch. Heidi Groom had many good tackles leading to Whitchurch’s 4th goal scored by Freya . Whitchurch remained strong throughout and ended on 4-2 to Whitchurch. A great end to the season

Chester Ladies 3s 4 Whitchurch Ladies 1s 10

Whitchurch started off strong with the first pushback yet blinded by the bright sun. Centre forward Georgia Munro and centre mid Lisa Sullivan worked together to push the ball up the pitch towards Chester’s Dee. There was some excellent passing up front between Poppy Huxley, Poppy Gilbert leading Munro to score her first goal. Soon after, Chester had some lucky hits down the pitch and made way into our Dee scoring their first goal, but this didn’t stop Whitchurch. With goalie Caz Wynn shouting her famous new phrase “stop being a ball watcher”, this pushed everyone to get stuck in with defence India Freer Carmichael and Katie Laffey leading the way. Shortly after they cleared the ball to Georgia allowing her to score another goal. Hayley Kellet and Holly Edwards made some amazing runs and beautifully passed between each other to reach Chester’s Dee. This enabled Whitchurch to gain multiple short corners, which unfortunately weren’t successful. However, Whitchurch stayed strong with Sarah Kay pivoting the ball up to Jasmin Williams who scored our third goal. This pushed Whitchurch’s confidence allowing Poppy Gilbert to gain possession of the ball, passing to Poppy Huxley then to Jasmin Williams who drove into the Dee and scored just before half time. This made the score 4-1 at half time.

A quick start to the second half was made with Georgia Munro running the ball from the halfway line into the Dee and scoring another goal chipping it over the keeper’s head. Some beautiful transfers were carried out around the back by Katie, India, Hayley and Poppy meaning we could use both widths of the pitch to our advantage and wear the opposition out. The ball in Chester’s Dee again with a rebound from the goalie allowed Williams to score Whitchurch’s 6th goal. Chester continued to push up the pitch and managed to pass through the strong defence and score 2 more goals. This only made Whitchurch work even harder with passes from the mids allowing Munro to score again making the score 7-3. With a little distraction of Whitchurch receiving 2 green cards, we held the strong defence to prevent Chester entering the Dee. Lisa Sullivan gained possession of the ball and hit up to Munro who scored another brilliant goal. With everyone slowly tiring towards the end of the game, Chester scored a lucky 4th goal. But this didn’t phase Whitchurch, as goalie Wynn continued to make some amazing saves preventing Chester scoring any more goals. Finally, Munro and Williams scored two more goals making the final score 10-4. A well-deserved win for Whitchurch!