All posts by Craig Hockenhull

Whitchurch Hockey Club – AGM & Presentation evening – Saturday April 18th 2015 @ 19.00

Dear Members of Whitchurch Hockey Club,

Please join us on Saturday 18th April from 7pm at the Rugby & Hockey Club for our AGM, & Senior Presentation Evening.  There will be some nibbles on arrival and for those who fancy carrying on we are suggesting a pub crawl in town (could include a meal if preferred – please let us know your preference by emailing – hope you will join us!

The formal stuff:

This is formal notification of the Whitchurch Hockey Club AGM which will take place on Saturday April 18th 2015 commencing @19.00 at the Whitchurch Rugby & Hockey club, Edgeley Park.

Please review all the AGM documentation on the website at

We propose to keep the meeting as short as possible with a round-up of the year’s events and election of officers, if you have any topics you want to raise please do so by email in advance to the Club Secretary – email below. 


We need more people to help out:

Without your help the club cannot function so please take on a role or split it with another member or friend as the more helpers we have the easier it makes the task for all.

Types of roles – Committee roles eg. Secretary, Treasurer, Chair & Vice Chair, wider club roles – Umpiring co-ordinator, Fixtures Co-ordinator, Sponsorship, Club Development, Social, Captains & Vice Captains, Membership & kit co-ordinator, Junior/Senior Development, Volunteer Co-ordinator…

There is a dedicated group of people who will support and help you within any role you take on. If you wish to take on a role within the club please fill in a nomination form (on the website) and return to: by Friday April 3rd 2015.

Agenda – 45 mins

1) Chairman’s address – 5 mins

2) Finance report – 5 mins

3) Captains’ report – 1st team men (3 mins)/ Fathom (3) / 1st team ladies (3) / 2nd team ladies (3)

4) Academy report (3mins)

5) Election of officers (10 mins)

6) Any other business. (tbc – allow 5-10 mins)

Thanks for all your support,

Whitchurch Hockey Club Committee 2014-15