All posts by Craig Hockenhull

WHC – Explanation of membership and match fees

As we start off the new season, we have been getting a number of questions around payments and membership.

All the information around being a member of the club can be found in the ‘Welcome Packs’ at

Membership fees

The fees below cover players to be a member of Whitchurch(Shropshire) Hockey club from 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024. These can be purchased via ‘Store’ on Teamapp

All players are required to join as members to represent the club at any level. These cover affiliations to England Hockey, Regional bodies, insurance, club investment, etc.

The deadline for payment this season is Saturday 14th October 2023 after which an additional £5 admin fee will be added.

Senior membership(Over 18) £93
Student membership (Year 8 and above or in full time education) * £50
Associate membership** £23
Academy membership £16

*NUS card required for over 18s in further full time education

** Players who play infrequently or are away at university in the coming season but who would still like to play when at home.


Match fees

Senior member £6.50 per match
Student £5.50 per match
Associate Dependent on which of the above two you come under with age / student status
Academy* £4 per match

*paid in cash on the day to the team organiser

Throughout the season we capture who has played which games via Teamapp, we then at intervals throughout the season issue invoices to the players for the games played via email (important that contact details in Teamapp are up to date). It is these fees that cover pitch hire, officials, food, etc.

We also rely heavily on players paying promptly and getting in contact if you have played games but haven’t received invoices. For Under 18s who have been given parental permission to be contacted directly, invoices will go to the player, so please pass on to whoever is paying.

Senior Training

Senior training on Tuesday and Wednesday evenings is predominantly paid for by the collection of match fees which is why at Whitchurch we offer free training to anyone who regularly plays for any of the senior teams during the season.

For those who play infrequently or only attend training we take a register each week and will invoice £3 per session at various intervals throughout the season.

For summer training we don’t  have income from match fees to support free senior training so we charge £3 per session to all players, this will be invoiced as per the match fees.


Academy is run separately from the senior club and whilst selected players may attend both Academy sessions on Saturdays and senior training during the week the payments are separate.

For Academy we charge in half term blocks and payment is made in advance of the blocks starting. These blocks can be paid for via ‘Store’ on Teamapp.

This allows us to minimise the administration of the coaches and volunteers at the session to focus on delivering hockey, it allows us to cover the cost of the pitch hire and allows us to plan in advance the number of coaches and volunteers required to cover the numbers of players attending.

Unfortunately this is none refundable based on attendance.

We have tried for many years to keep the costs of hockey to a minimum and are one of the cheapest, if not the cheapest in the area to provide hockey to as many people as possible.

If you have any issues or questions about payments please get in touch with treasurer James Partington at as we are willing to support wherever possible to help people play.

Chairman’s Newsletter

Hello to all WHC Members,

I hope you’ve all had a restful and relaxing summer break, but now it’s time for the fun to really begin. Welcome to September and the start of our 2023/24 season! For those of you who played in the Summer Hockey League at Deeside, well done, some good results against some strong opposition and while not all fixtures could be fulfilled, to be unbeaten in those we played is an excellent showing. To the ladies who took part in the Telford League and only went and won the whole thing a huge congratulations – we are very proud of your achievement.

First league fixtures are on 23rd Sept but there are 1 or 2 friendlies and other things leading up to then, I’ve listed these below but get on to TeamApp and see what else is happening around the club. I know there are plans afoot for drinks and a curry after the club day so speak to your captains and get signed up.

Dates for your diary:
Training starts w/c 4th September (see TeamApp for more details)
Academy starts Saturday 9th Sept. at 10am
Club Day on Saturday 9th Sept. (12 – 3pm @ SJT – please sign up on TeamApp)
Race Night coming up in October – more information soon
Xmas Do on Saturday 16th December – save the date and get your sparkle on!

As a committee we have been working tirelessly over the summer to ensure the club provides what our members expect, and ensure that facilities and the club itself are ready for this new season. We remain affiliated to Whitchurch Rugby Club and I would always encourage our members after games to get over there and show our faces, the more we do this the more it begins to feel like a combined sports club and our home too. I know many of you are hoping for a new pitch at SJT and we are aware it’s seen better days. We’re working with the school, local council, Shropshire council and England Hockey to try and make this happen. When we get closer the whole club will have a role to play so we will be in touch with more information as soon as we have it, but I might advise not holding your breath – these things can be a drawn out affair.

This club is run purely on volunteers and their support is what makes hockey happen for us and this town. Maybe there’s something you can do or would like to try and support the club with. Please reach out to one of the committee and let us know how you might be able to support. Any and all help is always welcome.

We are pleased to say that, in these financially uncertain times, the membership fees and match fees for this season will not increase on last year. However, it is important for the continuity of the club that we pay on time and when asked. Membership fees are available to purchase right now on TeamApp and Whitchurch Hockey Club remains one of, if not the cheapest club to play at certainly in the region and maybe even in the country. Should you be impacted by financial hardship at this time then please I urge you to speak to your captain or one of the committee so that we can help – we do not want to lose anyone from the club and financial hardship should not be a barrier to playing sports ever.

There have been some changes to the committee so as a reminder I share the below positions:
Chair – Martin Beecher (me)
Vice-Chair – Cath W-Gresty (also Ladies 1’s team captain)
Treasurer – James Partington
Secretary – Alex Fry (also team and academy coach)
Development Officer – Craig Hockenhull
Protection Officer – Suzanne Foulkes

If you have any comments or suggestions for the club please reach out to one of us as we are always happy to receive feedback and improve the club for all.

I look forward to seeing you all on the 9th at the Club Day, if not earlier at training and wish you all the very best for the upcoming season.

Martin Beecher

Academy sessions start Saturday September 9th 10.00 to 11.30

Academy sessions commence again this coming Saturday September 9th 2023 from 10.00 to 11.30.

Below is a link to the Under 18s Welcome pack containing all the information you need to attend and become a member of the club.

In advance of attending parents need to have signed up to Teamapp, completed a Under 18 Teamapp form and returned the signed version, if you havent already.

We charge in half term blocks in advance of sessions so we cover pitch hire costs and so we can arrange coaches / volunteers for the numbers attending. £24 for 9th October 23 to 21st October 23.

We request all players join as members of the club for anyone Year 7 or under the cost is £16 which covers you from 1st July 23 to 30th June 2024.

All fees can be paid via ‘Store’ on Teamapp.

We continue to keep costs to a minimum to get as many players as possible playing hockey.

If you have any issues with payment or any of the above please contact James Partington at

Under 18s Welcome pack 2023-2024

WHC Under 18 Teamapp form

WHC Code of Conduct


2023-24 Membership is now available to purchase via Teamapp ‘Store’

All players are required to be members of the club in order to play, we have for many years tried to keep the prices down to provide affordable hockey to as many as possible.

The membership covers from the 1st July 2023 to 30th June 2024.

2023-24 is no exception with the club freezing the prices for membership. Up until the deadline of 14th October 2023.

  • Senior Membership (Over 18) £93
  • Student (Year 8 and above in full time education)(NUS card required for Over 18s) £50
  • Associate (Up to 5 games) £23
  • Academy (Up to Year 7) £16

After the deadline, an extra £5 admin fee will be due.

We request any players who are attending university in the coming season but who would still like to play when at home to join as ‘Associate’ members of the club.

For further details see the ‘Welcome packs’ on the website at

If you have any issues or questions about payments please get in touch with treasurer James Partington at as we are willing to support wherever possible to help people play.