Updated – Shropshire Development Centres – May & June 2019

13/04/19 – Updated to include GK coaching sessions at SJT, Whitchurch
What happens?
Players take part in a range of training sessions or camp-based activities to develop their skills and begin to stretch them beyond school and club hockey.
How do I get involved?
  • Players are usually nominated by their school or club to attend a Development Centre
  • Players can be nominated from the age of 12-16
  • Players who want to play more hockey and develop their skills outside of school or club hockey should attend a Development Centre.
What are the entry and exit points?
Players can join a Development Centre at any point during the cycle but, depending on location, Centres will run at different points during the season. Details of running dates can be obtained from your Country Administrator; a list of these can be found here.
Who is it run by?
All Development Centres are run by County Hockey Associations (HAs) but they may also be run on a HA’s behalf by clubs, schools or coaching companies.